All and None!!!


Let's get this straight!

I wnat to thank Daniel for fixing my computer. It turned out my motherboard can't and SHOULDN'T accept my processor, but we made it and now it works... Unstable, but it works.

Anyway, i left some ideas floating about what i mean with "techie language" in the last post. Not any of you may get the idea if you don't know my weird and somewhat common relationship with Japan... So, let me explain this a little.

The first contacts i had with the japanese culture come from my childhood, when some documentaries about express trains (better known as shinkansen)and samurais were aired on TV. I eas amazed that the same country could hold that huge culture and really futuristic technology.

So, at my "fake golden years", that means at 13 to 15 years old, my friend at that time Manuel taught me what else does Japan means. And , honestly, i got shocked. I mean, i realized there is almost nothing i know that doesn't come from there. Tons of electronic devices, TV series, and 20% of all the music launched in the world come from there. They educational system allows to see kids of 15 knowing more that i knew when i was 18. Squid products, matriarcal society, video games, different climates... Wow.

So i thought it was good to live there, but there it comes the dissadvantages. The suicidal rate in Japan is higher than anywere in the world, they are still closed to other cultures, there's so much pressure on the kids in order to be "someone in life", the lack of pollution leads to visual contamination. So, after all, it was still a country with its pros and cons.

Manuel was interesed mostly because of the videogams and the anime-manga, thing that i barely knew what mean at that age. But i was interesed because of the higher social development and such. And because of something else... Maybe it sounds crazy, but i thought that Chile was like a very younger version of Japan. I mean, if there weren't for the colonization maybe we could have hared the same history. Crazy idea, i know.

So, then i changed to anther school and my relationship with Manuel turned into a permanent hiatus. I wasn still interested in Japan, in the form that i wanted. I knew that most of the technology we use is developed or made there, so if you learn japanese (according to my logic), i was able to get first-hand equipment if i wanted to be a scientist.

So that's what i mean with "techie language". The language i need in order to manage some technologies i use in the laboratory. Now, there are some issues i need to undrstand first and then i will know if that was the reson i decied to take it or not.

Whatever, it took me three days to end this post.