All and None!!!


My mom likes "Rock Hudson"

You know, when that idea came into my head at first. it seemed kind of illogical. Most of it because my mom isn't the kind of woman who likes techno/rave/lounge/trip hop/industrial/acid jazz music very much. For her, every "too fast" or "too drummy" song is not very pleasant to her ears. Except if you're reffering to arabic music, wich she even dances when it's played... And very well.
But then, one night, while i was standing in front of my *cough*beloved*cough* computer, my mom yelled "Nelson, come here"... Thinking about another sermon about too much time spent on the computer, i walked with my neutral face. And then, she says "You know, i really like this band. Could you download it?" I though of A HOLE BUNCH of groups, but i should better ask. "What band?". "Rock Hudson", she replied... "They are chilean, you know that?" kept saying. Of course i knew, i still do. They are the new chilean embassators of the new electronic music in the world. They were awarded in Europe and they play several good songs, repeated several times in my favourite radio station. "Yes" was my answer, "And what song did you hear?". "You know, the one about the dalmatians"... Oh, yeah. It's one of the lowest, rythmically speaking. "Ok, i'll see what i can do".
Of course, i wanted to test if she really likes them or that was a simple rush. So, while i was listening to the radio, i foound another song of Rock Hudson and i turned on the radio of the kitchen. My mom was in there, so she listened to that song, more fast and with more drums and repetitive bases. "Mom, this is another song of Rock Hudson"... "Oh, i see. They are very good", was the reply and my mouth full-opened was the final movement.
So, in other words, there's finnally a new band we both like. I'm relieved, because recently there was not a single band or musician that we liked. Just the ones i liked because she were listening to them before.

So, better be looking for Rock Hudon songs, because now i can listen to them out loud and my mom will be listening to them too!!