All and None!!!


I forgot

Yes, i forgot. But somehow this things that happened all these years have given me the time and mind to start writing again. I feel like in an inspirational rush, and i need to take the best of it.

Try to understand that between this entry and the one before it almost three years have passed. Not Only a lot has happened, but i'm also a different person... No, not really. And that's strange. Maybe i'm a little more mature, but that's all.

I wonder what dreams and hopes i longed when i left this blog unattended. I know i was going to write about the flow of time and how the perfect time machine should also be a good teleporter-swapper. But in a way, i also know that my other self from 2007 would be very surprised of how things are working out for myself here in 2010.

But right now i won't write about it. I f you know a little of spanish, you can check my other blog. In time, i will give mor info. But for now, let's say that only a few things that i dreamt in 2007 were made. And one of them is that now i am living in the seaside...

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